Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Potty Training

Mama cats keep their nests absolutely spotless. There is no odor and the kittens are immaculate. Think about it...in the wild she would need to keep the babies out of harm's way. Any odor would attract potential predators. So the queen keeps her kits and their nest very very clean. In the first few weeks she must stimulate the kittens to urinate and defecate which she does by strategically licking their little butts. There is never any evidence of pee or poo. As they get older and develop they can eliminate on their own and mama (grateful to be free of diaper duty) teaches the babies to use the litter box.

This morning after kitty weigh in one of the babies was pitifully crying in the corner of the nest. I thought it was an upset tummy and then realized it was a first poo! It must be a scary new sensation and the little guy didn't like it...but Mrs. McGregor and I celebrated with whoops and hollers! I immediately put together a little kitty litter pan with easy access for the little ones. Mama will show them how.

I use Kitten Attract as litter and I have saved the cardboard trays from the cafeteria at work to use as throw away litter pans. They have low sides and are just the right size for kittens. I will have several litter pans wherever the kittens are from now on.

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