Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The BPK are Nearly Grown Up Kitties!

The Beatrix Potter Kittens (BPK) are nearly grown up boys and girls. At ten weeks old the family is now reduced by one, Mopsy has found a forever home and her new name is Belle! Mopsy was the tom boy leader of the pack but we feel certain that she will develop into the dainty young lady that her new name implies (NOT!!!)

The BPK continue to inhabit Jane's house and have now taken over the entire first floor including the forbidden LIVING ROOM! Yes, that's the family (minus Peter...she's shy) making themselves comfortable on the sofa table. They are rather like a furry little gang and now that Mrs McGregor is no longer nursing she has joined in on the fun. She is, after all, just a kitten herself.

The entire family has gone off to the vet today to get spayed and neutered. We will have an infirmary of recuperating kitties tonight. Ice cream all around!